Why join WIF?

The world needs fusion and fusion needs women

Women are underrepresented in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics professions (STEM). These professions are traditionally male-dominated and there is still much work to be done to increase professional opportunities for women in all work fields directly or indirectly related to fusion: not only for women in science and engineering, but also for women work in administrative, financial, human resources, communications and other areas. As our nascent industry takes shape, it is now the time to ensure that women have an equal seat at the table. Women in Fusion is dedicated to overcoming these challenges at every level to ensure overall inclusion of women in these professions, so that each of them can contribute to fusion related work in the best possible way– because the world needs fusion, and fusion needs women.


We invite you to join us in working together towards achieving a level playing field and creating a more inclusive workplace for all.


Who can join?

Everyone may join!

Women in Fusion is open to all individuals who are involved in fusion, and who share the goals and ambitions of our organization. 

Women in Fusion can accept associate members and establish relationships with independent organizations.


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Hyun-Kyung Chung
Head of Policy and Strategy Division
Korea Institute of Fusion Energy (KFE)

A brief interview to Hyun-Kyung Chung, Head of Policy and Strategy Division….


Hyun-Kyung Chung
Head of Policy and Strategy Division
Korea Institute of Fusion Energy (KFE)

Why did you become a fusioneer?
The idea of making a sun in the laboratory sounded very interesting, and the limitless energy of fusion will improve peoples lives .

Were you inspired by a role model? Who was it, and why?
There were no women scientists in Korea when I grew up. Marie Curie has been a model for young women scientists for obvious reasons.

Did you face particular challenges in your academic or professional career as a woman in a scientific field?
The gender issue exists in any community. It is up to us how to deal with the issue.

What would you recommend to a young female scientist who is interested in pursuing a career in fusion?
A career in fusion may not be easy, as it is a very hard problem to solve. Nevertheless, it is worthwhile to try, as everything we do is the first of a kind in human history.

How can fusion benefit more from the participation of women? What are ways this can be improved?
Fusion is hard and enormous resources are needed to achieve it. All talents should come together to make this dream come true. Fusion is not just about physical sciences and technology, but also needs to involve experts in social sciences, law, business, communication, etc.